Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Sorrento, Pompeii and Capri

Welcome to Sorrento! A coastal town in Southern Italy filled with architecture of pale citrusy hues. We spent three days in this colourful location and had a great time sampling the local cuisine.
Abundant with cafes dishing up delicious treats and enough limoncello to make one happy, there were also so many shops that made customised shoes! They were so pretty and I regret not ordering one because I didn't think there would be enough time (in Southern Italian time, one hour meant the shoes would be ready the next day, or so my tour guide said). 

Gargantuan lemons are the norm here! Sorrentine lemons are the size of grapefruits and are perfect for making limoncello.
Streets of Sorrento.
Pompeii. I was so surprised with the size of this city, it really is a big place! As any other modern city would be. Pompeii was a town ahead of its time and I am still in awe of the facilities they had in those days (try private gym with sauna).
The gaps between the stones were for carriages wheels and water to flow through during rain. 

The next place we visited was even more magical (and star studded). Where else but Capri! We were a bit worried at first as the day in Capri started off overcast and it looked like it would rain but thankfully the sun came out for a few moments here and there so all was not lost!
The Faraglioni Rocks. 
Our landing spot. Perfect panini's and iced coffee for the hungry traveller. 
One of Sofia Loren's villas. We were all zooming in our cameras in hopes of catching a glimpse of her but nobody was home :(
Red coral jewellery is found everywhere in Capri. So gorgeous!
Love this mermaid.
More custom made sandals on the island.

How is this for a backyard view? Imagine it on a clear sunny day. Amazing!
Entrance to a villa.
So attracted to the colours around this kitchen door. 

And now we make our way to Anacapri, a small town at the top of the island's hills. We spent a long time at Villa San Michele, home of Dr. Alex Munthe, physician of the Swedish Royal Family. He is such an interesting man and I highly recommend his autobiography for those who like travel stories. San Michele was built on the ancient ruins of a villa belonging to Roman Emperor Tiberius (ruled from 14 AD to 37 AD).
The gardens at Villa San Michele.
Breathtaking view from the villa. 
Let's go inside.
Cafe area.

On par with San Michele, the highlight of this trip was the Blue Grotto. It was once thought by the Romans that this grotto was haunted by evil spirits. Now it is something that one must not miss when visiting Capri.
The magical blue waters are a result of the sunlight hitting the base of this sea cave at the right angle thus illuminating the water into this eerie blue shade. It is so beautiful and next time I shall swim in it (after giving the boatman a tip).

I love, LOVE Capri and I definitely would want to come back here again. 

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